Thursday, December 9, 2010


i had to get glasses my friend told my mom that i was haveing a hard time seeing the board so my mom took me into get an eye exam and when i take a driveing test i have to wear my glasses or i wont pass that will stink but ohwell

happy early christmas

i am so excited for Christmas!!! i had got to go black Friday shopping so i know what some of our presents are that just made it so i am even more excited i hope that you aer excited to have a MARRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 29, 2010

MY DREAM CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my dream car is a convertable Mini Cuper that is light blue it will have white stripes on the front too!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 29, 2010


I have changed the color of my braces. They are pink now for girls camp because the colors are pink and brown. They didnt have brown though i was going to do a pink and brown pattern .The good thing is that theydont hurt very much any more :D .


Saturday, March 13, 2010


I finally got my braces. I got them on Tuesday March 9th. For a week I have to eat soft food. It really hurts when I bite down. Although I already can see a difference in my teeth they are already straighter! But what stinks is I cant have hard candy and have to be careful drinking soda for 2 years! It is worth straight teeth though. I know that I'll be happy in the end with perfect teeth!!


PS the color I got is blue to support my brothers baseball teams.

Friday, January 8, 2010


yesterday i went in to the orthodontist and got spacers in. they go in between my teeth to make spaces. they really hurt my teeth ache. next week i have to go in and get an expander it makes my jaw bigger that will really hurt!!!!!!!!!! owww